

2019 Super Bowl Round Up – The Hits and Misses

Last year we shared Ad Age’s top Super Bowl ads rated by effectiveness, entertainment and the overall combination. This year we’ve asked the NextLevel Account Mangers to weigh in.

Kristen Dyson

“My favorite was the Amazon clip featuring Harrison Ford. Mostly because I’m a huge Harrison Ford fan, but also because it was cute and a creative way to draw attention to Alexa and its capabilities.”

“I did not care for the TurboTax Live robo-child commercial, simply because it was creepy and weird and made me uncomfortable.”

Katie Buchanan

“This heartwarming commercial shows the power of Google Translate. They show clips of people from all over the world interacting with people from different backgrounds and cultures. Out of all the 100 Billion words translated per day, the most translated words in the world are ‘how are you?’, ‘Thank you’ and ‘I love you’. We love this commercial because it unites us as human beings! “

“Burger King’s Super Bowl commercial featuring Andy Warhol was very strange. The clip was taken from the 1982 film Scenes of America. The commercial ended with the hashtag #eatlikeandy. The commercial left us confused and not tempted to go to Burger King. “

Tara Lockhart

“Audi nailed it with their ad this year. As it opened, I thought of Field of Dreams and thought we were destined for another heartfelt message. Once the star of the commercial, the cashew, came into play, I died laughing. Audi kept us engaged and who wouldn’t want to drive an Audi e-tron?”

“Mint Mobile’s ‘Crunchy Milk’ commercial was the worst ad that aired. While the commercial was memorable, because it completely grossed us all out, we couldn’t remember what they were advertising. Keep in mind, they paid upwards of $5 million for 30 seconds of airtime. I’m sure they could have come up with a more effective ad spend.”

You might be asking yourself, “Where is Eric Poerschke’s pick?” It seems that at least one of us actually watched the Super Bowl for the football and used the commercial breaks to hit the buffet and bathroom.